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Designing smooth websites and intelligent
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News manager

We offer Smooth Step CMS based news aggregator. It provides a section where you can add your news pages. Once added these pages are automatically organized by date and displayed on your website.

News manager orders web pages so newest items would appear first. This allows website reader to access most recent information.

Our news manager provides several services on the website:

News listing ordered by date

Blog listings

Blog is a page that displays news headlines ordered by their dates. If news writer post new articles frequently blog is divided into several pages by year, month or even day.

Each article contains applications that generate automated navigation links to choose more recent or older article.

Have a look at our blog and test how its functions are working

Suscription to feeds

Dynamic RSS

Our news application provides RSS feed output. RSS technology is used for content syndication.

Website reader can subscribe to these feeds using RSS reader to receive latest news from many websites without actually visiting them.

News websites also collect your latest articles using RSS.

Comment section for each article

Comment section

Each article in your blog will contain comment section at the bottom of the page. It consists of a list of comments and a form to fill in a new one.

When website reader will post a new comment it will be shown in Smooth Step CMS.

New comment is displayed on the site only after it is confirmed by website administrator. This helps to prevent spamming.

Thinking to add a news section on your website?

Contact us defining your needs and we will provide our Smooth Step CMS with customized news manager.

Visit our contact page

CMS based blog management

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