Articles related to browsers
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Guide to web browsers
Modern browsers provide an environment to perform many complicated tasks such as audio/video streaming, web based software, interactivity etc.The first graphical web browser, called WorldWideWeb, was developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.
Page tags: browsers | compatible
Main web browser features
Integrated search engine tool is relatively new feature in web browsers. It allows selecting your favorite search engine and doing a quick search by typing in a search term.
Popular web browsers, their pros and cons
Netscape navigator once was one of most popular web browsers. In 1998 Netscape was announced to be free of charge and since then it was co-developed by Mozilla open source community.
Page tags: browsers | explorer | firefox
Main features
Firefox team is constantly working on known security flaws offering one of the safest browsers available. Mozilla Firefox web browser offers very helpful features and reasonable security.
Related Web pages
Check other Smooth Step articles related to browsers.
Web hosting
We have tried many web hosting providers and got disappointed due to slow, frequently crashing servers and poor support.
E-mail software
Email application uses POP3 mail servers to receive emails, and SMTP servers to send them.
Platform monitoring
In the document you must have information about components used, software, servers, and flows between various parts of application.