Articles related to software

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PDF web application designed & developed for BunnikTours Australian travel agency

Our company has developed state of the art web software for an australian BunnikTours travel agency. The application is based on dynamic windows that opens on top of their main site.

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Resales Online Ajax API integration to SmoothStep Real Estate Website Software

We have just unrolled our Wordpress based Real Estate website software update to support Resales Online Ajax API V6. Their new V6 API version design offers compact JSON output which makes it run much faster compared to standard XML as XML data is bulkier, it takes longer to download and decode by website hosting server.

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SEO friendly, no recurring fees

Smooth Step Real Estate software is designed to be intuitive and user friendly, even users with little knowledge about computers will be able to add properties without difficulty. Once the website is designed and developed we provide explanations how to add properties, new areas and organize photos.

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Database driven web applications for your website

Web based application is a type of computer software that is installed and executed on the web server and accessed via internet using web browser.Web applications are getting more and more popular because without distributing and installing the software itself, vast amount of clients can access its services via internet.

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Website security & repair services, SSL encryption and antispam

Websites that are built on open source content managers such as Wordpress, Modx and others might be insecure, especially when using outdated backend software and its plugins.Most modern website administrators such as Wordpress, Modx and others as well as their third party plugins are open source meaning that their programming code is available to everyone.

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Spyware removers

Computer spyware is a malicious software designed to be installed and runned on a computer without explicit permissions of its owner. Most malicious applications are totally invisible; some act as harmless service while performing background task of spying.

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Real estate website redesign adding Milenio Plus XML feed support

In previous update we have extended the site with our Wordpress based real estate software which handles extra fields and automatic XML feed import.All the fields from MilenioPlus XML feed were mapped to existing fields on the website so property search would keep working.

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Email servers and free email software

Mozilla Thunderbird email client - Is a free email and news software developed by Mozilla Foundation. Thunderbird is available for most popular operating systems including Windows, Mac OS X and Unix.

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Real estate website design for agency in Mijas with online marketing support

Different versions of the design were presented to the agency and once approved website was developed based on our latest Wordpress based real estate software orignally equipped with fully automated Resales Online XML feed importer with multilingual and mobile/tablet support. Recently we have upgraded the website to use Resales Online Ajax API property search service instead.

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Virus types and antivirus software

Viruses are designed to add their code to executable files of third party software, while worms simply add their files into system folders to be executed on system startup. Trojan horses – Allow computer to be controlled remotely; a hidden functionality user would not want.

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Edit your website with ease

Smooth Step CMS™ is a fully web based AJAX software meaning that no additional installations besides a web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox or similar) is needed. This gives a great flexibility because our CMS software can be accessed from any computer that has an internet connection.

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We have tried many web hosting providers and got disappointed due to slow, frequently crashing servers and poor support.

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Content rich website design - multiple sections, multi-lingual support and our basic SEO .

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