Articles related to web applications
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Database driven web applications for your website
Our team develops custom websites and web applications based on PHP7, MySQL, HTML5 and Javascript.Web based application is a type of computer software that is installed and executed on the web server and accessed via internet using web browser.
Page tags: web applications | develop | software | database | speed | clients
Web application performance tuning
While there are other indicators of how web site performs (SEO, ROI) here we will talk specifically about analyzing web site speed, most important parts of the website, which can hog you down and especially about large web applications, which are designed to be scaled continuously in the future. While this article concentrates specifically on web sites, provided rules can be used to analyze any kind of project.
Page tags: servers | web applications | speed | site | database | system
How to use server side cache engine to increase website performance
Expiring cache is very useful for web applications that contact 3rd party server to receive data that changes continuously. Let's say we are building weather plugin that contacts weather server to get forecast for 7 days.
Page tags: servers | speed | database | site | web applications | dynamic
PDF web application designed & developed for BunnikTours Australian travel agency
Modern JSON based PDF rendering software we have designed and developed for an Australian travel agency..
Page tags: web applications | pdf | design | develop | business | hosting | smooth step | software
Online business ready
Advanced web design package includes product manager with multilingual support and web hosting..
Page tags: products | advanced | business | cms | seo | web applications | hosting
Static pages on your website
User friendly and SEO compatible website page names using rewrite technology.
Page tags: seo | web design | marketing | search engine | web applications | dynamic
Anti-spam captcha protection for website contact forms
Page tags: security | content manager | web applications | develop | software
Guide to website design and construction
Web development techniques.
Page tags: web design | search engine | marketing | flash | web applications | dynamic | site | corporate
Related Web pages
Check other Smooth Step articles related to web-applications.
Web hosting
We have tried many web hosting providers and got disappointed due to slow, frequently crashing servers and poor support.
E-mail software
Email application uses POP3 mail servers to receive emails, and SMTP servers to send them.
Platform monitoring
In the document you must have information about components used, software, servers, and flows between various parts of application.