Articles related to Smooth Step

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Edit your website with ease

Smooth Step Content Management System provides restricted area on your site where you can edit web pages.Usually it takes less than 1 hour of studying to get the basic concepts of how to edit your web site using our content manager.

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PDF web application designed & developed for BunnikTours Australian travel agency

The software uses our proprietary Smooth Step PDF generator that imports Bunniktours PDF brochures and merges them with well-placed high resolution company logo and client contact details written in their corporate font creating a new PDF document in real time.The administrator of the software has a window with a table of their client accounts with an ability to add more clients to the software or modify existing accounts.

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Wordpress website designer

We design PDF template and then information is added to the document automatically using Smooth Step PDF that is connected to the database. Customized versions generate PDFs for products, clients, invoices, monthly reports etc.

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Legal terms


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Web hosting

We have tried many web hosting providers and got disappointed due to slow, frequently crashing servers and poor support.

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E-mail software

Email application uses POP3 mail servers to receive emails, and SMTP servers to send them.

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Platform monitoring

In the document you must have information about components used, software, servers, and flows between various parts of application.

Web application performance tuning »