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Designing smooth websites and intelligent
web based systems in Marbella since 2007
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Web design

Real estate website in Marbella upgraded with new design and our latest real estate engine

BlueView Properties Marbella website has been upgraded with a modern design, we have developed header and scrolling animations and integrated our latest real estate engine with XML feed importer optimized for real estate feeds from Resales Online property network.

Website upgrade and redesign request

We were contacted by BlueView Properties Marbella to upgrade their old website with a new fresh look and a real estate engine capable of handling over 10.000 properties with automated imports from XML feed.

BlueView team had provided instructions to design an exclusive website with a high contrast minimalistic modern visual layout with animations and scrolling effects which would be easy to use.

Web development works

BlueView Properties Marbella website now has a new home page with header and scrolling animations, featured properties and development sections, also links to main real estate categories. Website header provides intro with animated text and photos as well as integrated real estate search system for a quick access to property listings.

New real estate engine based on Wordpress

Property pages are equipped with responsive slideshow and full screen real estate photo preview, Google Maps integration showing approximate property location, also related properties panel with real estate similar to each listing generated by our real time similar property search algorithm.

Our latest real estate plugin is developed to automatically download their Resales Online XML feed with latest properties and import it on a daily basis.

Website content formatting, editing and mobile support

Website content has been formatted in flexible 2 and 3 column designs decorated with professional real estate photos. Pages can be edited visually from Wordpress backend with the help of our high-end premium editing plugins. Both content and property pages on the website are optimized for mobile and tablet devices.

New real estate website design for BlueView Properties Marbella - Modern visual layout with integrated real estate search system

Website: www.blueviewproperty.com

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